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The summer has officially begun.  There is swimming, frisbee, walks, baths, picnics and yardwork.  While DeeAnn & I concentrate on yardwork, the dogs play and swim, then swim and play, and so forth.  The last thing to happen is bath time.  Helen is the easy one, scrub her down and put her back in the water so she can rinse herself off.   Holly is a one hand hold, one hand scrub – not because she dislikes baths but because she cannot keep herself away from whatever other fun is happening at the lakeshore.  Rainie is compliant but with a long face.  Keltie is reluctant and tries to slink away from the shampoo & water bucket.  Once all dogs are sparkling clean, the challenge of getting them to the car still relatively clean is always a trick.  Some days there is success, some days not.  The lake is always there for an extra dunking should a set of paws wander back into mud or whatever.   Generally once the towel drying begins, the dogs accept that their day at the lake is over.  As you can see by the picture, Holly melts into her own skin with glazed over eyes.   The lake is her slice of heaven on earth. 

Every year Animal Allies has their fundraiser walk in early June.  We like to go because of the vendors!  There are pet related vendors with fun freebies staffed by pet friendly people who treat each dog as if they are the cutest thing on earth.  Helen scored on that account – she participated in a photo shoot at Minnesota Nice, a company who puts out clothing for pet passionate people.   The owner, Kirsten, is also the founder of Twin Ports Pet Sitters who have been to my house on multiple occasions, namely for Gracie.   Kirsten told me to check her Instagram account later in the day.  Helen, along with a host of other adorable dogs, were posted for everyone to see and ‘coo’ over.   DeeAnn & I both rotated our dogs, one at a time.  I would have loved to have Holly get a photo shoot as well but time was running out and she had already had her turn on the vendor tour.  

The days fill with activity and though no two days are alike, there is a pattern that creates routines.  Holly & Helen are learning that not much happens until I am done with my coffee in the morning.  If I am lingering at too much of a leisurely pace at the start of the day, I get stared at and/or hear some heavy sighs.  Holly will go sit on the landing, trying to pull me up closer to the bathroom because she knows noone leaves the house until everyone has their teeth brushed.   At the other end of the day, typically we are all tired, especially me,  from our day’s events by 9:00 with the ‘last call’ routine starting and ending with another teethbrushing episode before going to bed.   The dogs have taught me well – as much as variety is the spice of life, routine is the security to the soul.