This year I treated myself to a trip to Montevideo to spend time with Lanny & Mary, Lana, Matthew & Kayla & their girls. And include Helen & Kooper! What a treat it was! It was a classic scenario of family, fun, and food. It’s been a while since I’ve had so much desire to smile and so many minutes of consecutive laughter. And let’s not forget the delicious food, thanks mainly to Mary. A collective thank you to all of them for making my time there so special and really putting a shining star on my Christmas memories this year.
The absence of mentioning Holly was not an oversight. Holly stayed home with DeeAnn, Rainie, Keltie and Gracie (thank you, DeeAnn!). Despite reaching the magical age of two, she has more social graces and self restraint to learn before partaking in a major holiday event at someone else’s house! Maybe at three, four or maybe five! Time will tell! DeeAnn, however, gave a glowing report on Holly’s behavior while I was gone. In short, she listened! That felt good to hear! Holly’s greeting when I got home was about the same behavior as if I was gone 3 hours, nothing exagerated for it being 3 days. I am good with that. It’s nice to know that she is comfortable with our separation, she has good behavior with her caregivers and for the most part my return is just another event to the day.
Meanwhile Helen had a trip of a lifetime! I believe this may have been her longest car ride – about 5 hours one way. She snuggled with Kooper in the back seat, trusting he is in good hands so she is too. Lana drove us all safely to our destination and back again. While in Montevideo, Helen had continous activity around her, serving either as a spectator or a participant. There was little time for napping and if she tried, she was usually aroused by any one of Matthew & Kayla’s five darling daughters. Going there I wondered if she would be overwhelmed and become a velcro dog to my leg. For a couple hours that was the case, then the draw for her to go where the fun was, was just too strong. If she was not with one of the girls, she was with another (or another, or another…) – and if not with one of the girls, she was with Mary, Lana, Lanny, laying next to Kooper Dash or sleeping in a soft spot in the cozy house. Sometimes she was laying next to me, but not that often. I had been moved to the bottom of the line up. Come bedtime, I became important again and we both made our way to the lower level for an evening of good rest. It was so nice to see her tail wagging, her causalness in moving from person to person and confidence in searching out a resting spot in the house.
Holly, Helen & I were able to hook up with DeeAnn, Rainie & Keltie on Christmas Day to share more gifts and share our stories about the wonderful time we each had with our families. This year was a ‘brown Christmas’ literally – no snow, plenty of rain & fog. It has us wondering what the rest of the winter is going to be like, as well as the summer! For now, I am grateful – no snow means no snowshoveling! Holly likely does not share my sentiments.
Now our focus shifts towards the New Year, 2024. My heart is filled with hope and desire to make it an awesome year. Holly is 2. Much to do!