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No food after 7:00 pm.   I’ve told Holly many times but so far she doesn’t mind, things may be different come bedtime when there are no treats placed by her dog bed.  Holly is scheduled for her spay surgery early tomorrow morning.  I’m not looking forward to leaving her there or seeing her state when I pick her up.  Yet, this is a must.  Neither Holly nor I have any desire for her to have puppies, planned or preplanned.  Today we went to PetCo and tried on ‘collars’.  I know her well enough to know that she would have a hard time with the cone-shaped collar around her neck.  For both of our sake and the safety of the furniture in my home, I opted to try the balloon tire design.  The thought of keeping Holly ‘quiet’ for a couple weeks has a ring of science fiction in my head.  We’ll do our best.  More to come.

Keltie & Rainie came over today to play in the backyard with Holly, anticipating that she will not be able to for a few days.  A bonus for Holly was when ‘the girls’ were outside as well.  Brooke and Kendra have been cooped up in the house during the cold spell as well and were excited about getting back outside.  What I didn’t expect was when the girls went back in their house, Holly took it upon herself to follow them by jumping over the backyard fence!  This coming from a dog that has me giving her a booster lift to get into the back seat of the car.  I happened to be looking out the pantry window when Holly was in escape mode. When she cleared the fence she went wild with excitement – I think she ‘wowed’ herself and also knew she had a clear shot at joining Kendra & Brooke.   I did a dash to the backdoor, pulling boots and hat on as I left the house.  No time for a jacket!  Brooke noticed Holly in their yard and came back outside, bless her heart.  She saw my frantic self and yelled over  ‘Hi Robin. Do you want help catching Holly?’  It’s a bit humbling to ask a 10 year old for their help in getting control of your own dog, but without hesitation I yelled back YES!   Holly stayed right with Brooke, she was the reason the fence was cleared.  I had finally made my way through the garage and into Donna’s yard.  It took a bit of finagling but eventually Brooke and I had Holly within my reach and on a leash.  Kendra was also now outside and a part of the action, thus Holly was doubly excited about her adventure.  The girls sweetly asked  “Do you want us to walk you and Holly home?”   And with no hesitation I said, “That would be nice, thank you!”

As we walked toward my garage and yard, I mentioned that Holly would be having a surgery and not be able to play in the yard this week.  I asked if they would be interested in reading to Holly while she rested in her kennel.  Faces lit up.  Questions arose about what story to read, I said it is totally their choice.  Comments included “Maybe one about dogs” “Maybe one about a cat”  And then Kendra said “I know.  I’ll write one”   Again, more to come!