This week-end was filled with fun because the Trotta Sisters were in town! All of us went to the BOLD Choice Theatre play performance of Sundown on the Jasper County Jewel held at the NorShor Theatre in Duluth. The performance was absolutely brilliant, beautiful and BOLD! It was sold out and I have no doubt that everyone in attendance left totally impressed by the performance, but mostly with the performers. For those of us having moments of wondering what our full potential would be if we applied ourselves, think only of the BOLD Choice Theatre performers and you will find your answer.
Following the play, Carlotta, Mary, DeeAnn & I went to the Pickwick to eat and visit. Both DeeAnn & I had some very happy dogs when we got home later that night. We made up for the long Saturday by getting them together for ‘fun and run’ on Sunday. Holly & Helen had sister time in as well – which brought Helen extra loving and Holly some new shoes & purses to sniff, snoop and steal.
It’s the second week in January and we had our first shoveable snowfall, about 4 inches! Holly was in her heaven in the backyard. Running, rolling and doing her body skimming across the yard. The soccer ball was frozen and difficult for her to grab with her mouth but she persevered and did a few victory laps with her bright yellow ball. We had a nice walk at ‘the field’ today, all the dogs enjoying the fresh snow. Later in the day I took Holly & Helen to St. Scholastica but the temperatures and/or texture was not as enjoyable for Helen. She adamantly told me that she was not interested in walking through the snow, her bottom planted itself down and front paw went up – first one then the other, and her face hung down with a deadpan look. As soon as I told her she can get back in the car, she was up and moving, pulling me directly to the car door. Next trip will be with boots, will see how that goes. Holly was still raring to go for a walk so we did a few laps in the front yard of CSS, circling up and down and around the trees. She did her pony-pony impression and some more snow skimming, just as happy as a lark the whole time.
Whatever blues the long Saturday may have created have now been fully dissolved by the Trotta visit, field walk and playful moments in the snow. Life is good. Always.